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A Faith-Based NonProfit

 Private Membership Association & Private Education Association

Dragonfly Healing & Learning Center is a non-profit faith-based educational learning center for children. Here you can expect your child to receive a quality education as well as learn important life skills to be a successful, kind, spiritual and well-rounded individual. There is a serious problem with public education: they do not focus on the whole child and prepare them to conform as a part of a collective instead of appreciating the individual and allowing them to shine. 


Here at Dragonfly children are appreciated for their strengths and value is based on the whole child (body, mind, and spirit). As a faith-based nonprofit the whole child is taught in a heart-centered approach through incorporating mindfulness, physical education, play, nutrition, and spirituality within its learning modules. Each child is guided to learn about their own interests while following the curriculum. There is no place quite like Dragonfly Healing & Learning Center, but you can be confident that your child will feel at home and learn wholeheartedly.

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Dragonfly Healing & Learning Center is a faith-based (508c1A) non-profit Private Membership Association (PMA) and a Private Education Association (PEA).
We accept Cash and Check. Click Here To Read More

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